Organic Rooibos Tea

Organic rooibos tea has more anti-oxidant properties than green tea and tastes great. Known in south africa as " red bush" because of the color of it leaves, African sunrise rooibos tea is believed by indigenous peoples to have great healing powers; it has been consumed for thousand of years and has been cultivated since the 1930's. Lately it is popular and highly regarded drink throughout South Africa and Europe as well as Japan, many calling it the "miracle tea."

Rooibos tea has no caffeine, no oxalic acid, very low tannin content, and abundant amount of: Antioxidants, Phytochemicals, Potassium, Copper, Magnesium, Calcium, Iron, Zinc, Manganese and Flourine.

Antioxidants boost the immune system by eliminating "free radicals" and they also show promise in supporting a healthy heart. Japanese research shows very high antioxidant activity due to the flavonoid compounds and antioxidants found in African Sunrise Rooibos Tea.


  1. I have a packet or two of Wisdom of the Ancients brand of rooibos laying around the kitchen somewhere....maybe I should actually try someday....

  2. Of course, you should be try rooibos tea, because roobis tea is pure and natural, containing no additives, preservatives or artificial colors of any kind. It's is low tannin, a subtances that adversely affects the body's metabolism by decreasing the absorption of iron and protein. btw thanks for coming in my blog.

  3. Hey Meria,

    Nice post about organic rooibos tea. it is also becoming more popular in Western countries particularly among health-conscious consumers, due to its high level of antioxidants. Rooibos was used because it contains antioxidants with anti-fungal properties. This successfully protected the frogs against infection by chytridiomycosis. Rooibos Tea is beneficial in the treatment of acne. This is due to levels of alpha hydroxy acid, zinc and superoxide dismutase present in the herb


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