How to keep your heart healty

The most people in the world have been died doe to heart attack. Many factor that can make heart attack, one of it's cholesterol. Cholesterol actually important for our body, but if we eat food with many cholesterol, it's can be kill us. metabolism every body is different depend of our environment and daily people do. Procedure cholesteol can make heart attack are suspension cholesterol in blood cyclus, therefore make the way of blood become smaller so blood pressure become higher. Cholesterol suspension with continious are dangerous f or body because that's make the peak of heart attack.

So we must keep our heart to be healty with eating the healty food, always to move our body, and also not to smoking. There's a reason why we have not to smoking because one of composition in smoke make suspension in blood cyclus, so i advise you from now always to keep our life healty.

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