Benefits of honey for health and beauty

Honey which has two benefits for health and beauty.
For beauty honey is an antioxidant that can improve the beauty of the skin, softening, and making young. Honey can eliminate your acne. Honey can eliminate spot on the face and a black mole and also prevent wrinkles. Honey softens the lips, moisturize and prevent dry lips or chapped and honey can adding hair fertility.

For health, Honey in the concentration of 30% - 50% function much better than antibiotics. As medicine wound, honey can absorb the water on the wound, thus preventing infection and improving the cells quickly. Honey through injuries and help the formation of new tissues granules. Honey stop the growth of pathogenic organisms in patients with urinary tract infection, because they contain sugar rapidly absorbed by the digestive system, honey is source of instant energy.
Honey is antibacterial because natural acidity and hydrogen peroxide are produced. Regular consumption of honey can strengthens the white blood cells to fight bacteria and diseases caused by viruses. Honey good for eyes and vision.
So that due to the above reasons, i advise you to consumption honey because good for your health and beauty.

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