Benefits from appels for heathy

Apples are rich in fiber, so good for people who are in a diet program. This is because the high fiber that slows the arrival of hungry. Apples contain fiber that binds fat and LDL cholesterol in the body for later disposal. Besides apples contain many vitamins, minerals, and other elements such as phytochemicals, fiber, tanin, baron, acid tartars, and others. These substances are necessary for our bodies to prevent and overcome a variety of diseases.

Apples are rich vitamins, like vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin B9, vitamin C. Mineral in water include calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc. Phytochemicals in apples are antioxidants to fight free radicals that come from pollution or the environment. It also serves to suppress the amount of bad cholesterol (LDL) which can cause blockage of blood vessels. Phytochemicals substances in apples skin inhibit the growth of colon cancer by 43 percent. One of the ingredients of good apples to prevent disease is a matter of flavonoids, the apple is proven to reduce the risk of cancer by 50 percent and can prevent heart disease and stroke.

How to keep your body always slim

Every woman would want a slender body. Here are some tips. Food must be balanced. There are principles that must be obeyed when you are dieting. Intake of food in quality and quantity must meet the minimum caloric needs meet with balanced composition, 60% carbohydrates, 15% protein, and 25% fat. In addition, the body must also need vitamin and mineral intake in sufficient quantities. Generally safe dosage calorie diet recommended for adults with no need special medical supervision is about 1200 calories.

However the quality and completeness of nutrients and composition of the fresh food are usually better than the artificial, as example is fruit. Inside are not only vitamins, but also water. Compare with vitamin supplements. Contained only vitamin. "So, taking vitamin supplements without balanced with water intake is sufficient, is not complete. In the end, these supplements can not work optimally. The same is true with fiber consumption. Vegetables and fruits are naturally contain fiber. Without any additional needs, your need are met will be fiber. This mean that you consume lots of ordinary food nutritious.

Not only healthy food you need in your diet, healthy liquid is also very vital. Low-fat milk or nonfat rich in vitamin D and calcium are also important for your bone health. And also must always be remember in your life that There's nothing better for our health than pure fresh water.

How to keep your healthy eyes

Eyes is one of organs in the body's most important. Blindness or loss of vision is a major health problem in several countries both developing and developed countries. In America, nearly 3.3 million people aged over 40 years of blindness due to various reasons. The main caused of blindness is due to the aging process such as cataract disease (cloudiness in the lens of the eyes), gloucoma, diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration. In addition pregnant women are also vulnerable to blindness due to the instability of hormone levels, high blood pressure and diabetes.

There's a some tips to keep your healthy eyes. If you are in outdoor, not only your body that need protection from ultraviolet light, the eyes were also needed. Therefore, any outdoor activity, especially in the daytime wear sunglasses. Food must we look to keep our eye health. Nutritious foods consumption, besides carrots there are many more foods that are good for the eyes. Like mango containing beta-carotene and vitamins E and C or marine fish that are suber decosahexaenoid (DHA) which has important function for the eyes.

Tips to keep youthful look

Every human being must always wanted a younger face always. Although we cannot avoid aging, but we can still get to the skin always look younger than our age. Here are some tips to keep youthful look.

The first Drink lots of water. Water can retain the elasticity of our skin. In addition water can remove toxins and cleanse the existing organisms in our bodies. Do not leave your body dehydrated due to of water shortage.
The second, use lotion or moisturize for skin. Dry skin will look older than the soft skin using moisturizers. It is now easy to get moisturizer for the skin because of many variety of products offered, the most important thing is to use the safe product and has received permission from the health department.
The fourth exercising regularly. In addition to tighter muscles, exercise can also make your skin into the bloodstream faster and more smoothly. So that the sport was instrumental in making you look younger.
For the last that very important is consumption of healthy food and nutritious. But avoid eating junk food, smoking and drinking alcohol. With healthy diet and guaranteed your skin becomes more healthy. And don't forget to balance all is avoid stress. Many minds make us sullen and rarely smiled, so that the muscles of facial skin will always tense and expression will be seen getting older. Hard work is important for your life, but don't forget to make a balanced life by spending time doing activities you like. So keep younger guys...

Benefits of honey for health and beauty

Honey which has two benefits for health and beauty.
For beauty honey is an antioxidant that can improve the beauty of the skin, softening, and making young. Honey can eliminate your acne. Honey can eliminate spot on the face and a black mole and also prevent wrinkles. Honey softens the lips, moisturize and prevent dry lips or chapped and honey can adding hair fertility.

For health, Honey in the concentration of 30% - 50% function much better than antibiotics. As medicine wound, honey can absorb the water on the wound, thus preventing infection and improving the cells quickly. Honey through injuries and help the formation of new tissues granules. Honey stop the growth of pathogenic organisms in patients with urinary tract infection, because they contain sugar rapidly absorbed by the digestive system, honey is source of instant energy.
Honey is antibacterial because natural acidity and hydrogen peroxide are produced. Regular consumption of honey can strengthens the white blood cells to fight bacteria and diseases caused by viruses. Honey good for eyes and vision.
So that due to the above reasons, i advise you to consumption honey because good for your health and beauty.

Dangers of expired food

Food is a source of energy required by living things either by animals or humans. But food can also be a source of disease if we can not maintain or manage it well, because food easy contaminated by the bad bacteria in the nature.

Quality of food or food material in nature is not independents of such influences and environmental conditions, which make feasible of whether of food for consumption. Various pollutants can be contained in the food because the use of contaminated food raw materials, processing, and storage process. Among the contaminants that are often found micotoxin produced by Aspergillus flavus toxin. Micotoxin contamination generally occurs in agricultural commodities and processed products or in food stored too long.

Because of the above reasons, the need for increased vigilance in selecting foods or processed foods to consume and not consume food that has expired or is stored too long.

Cause of liver disease

There's some possibilities the people who have liver disease. The first is the liver tissue infections caused by viruses, the second there's a trauma of the tissue in the area of liver, third a history of pain in the function of liver poisoning, the fourth is the body's immune system damaged which it can make your liver function become not optimal, and the last have had liver damaged because the blood doesn't circulate well to the other organ.

Dangerous for this disease are skin becomes more yellow and even worse to do liver transplants. So that to avoid this liver disease you must care about healthy life style and maintain personal hygiene equipment and also clean the toilet or shower with an antiseptic, etc.

There's a little notice of liver disease, and i hope this article useful for you.

The dangers of smoking

The dangers of smoking - Any element contained in cigarettes. CIGARETTE contains approximately 4000 elements, and at least 200 of it are dangers for healthy. The main of toxic in cigarette is tar, nicotine, and carbon monoxide. Tar is the sticky nature hydrocarbon and attached to the lungs. Nicotine is the addictive substance that affects the nerves and circulation of this blood. Substances are carcinogens, and can trigger the occurrence of lung cancer.Carbon monoxide is a substance that binds hemoglobin in the blood, making blood can not bind oxygen.

Cigarettes also increase the risk of fatality for patients with pneumonia and heart failure, and high blood pressure. So from now avoid smoking because smoking only bring danger and loss, smoking can ruin your life and make your life addicted to cigarettes because the nicotine levels in cigarettes have. Take care.

Tips for Skin Care

The main thing you should do is to clean with a gentle cleanser once a day that is before you sleep at night. In the morning you can just wash your face with warm water and use moisturizer. Dry skin types do tend to look dull, so you have to do the process of peeling or sloughing of dead skin cells once a week. To do this process, you can choose a granular scrub-small granulated, smooth and soft.

You should clean your face with a milk cleanser and does not use a freshener containing alcohol. If you use water to clean your face so as not to dry it with towels until completely dry skin is still damp. One more thing, you should be diligent in taking vitamin E and a supplement containing fatty acids such as cod liver extract and avocado.

That's a little tips for you, hope this article can give you advantages in your life, the most important for your skin care.

Congenital heart disease - Healthy knowledge

Congenital heart disease - Healthy knowledge - The types of abnormalities in congenital heart disease vary widely, there is only a minor cause of heart function, but there is also a potentially fatal disorder to disrupt the function of cardiac work in distributing blood throughout the body. In general, congenital heart defects can be detected from birth, but no new symptoms often appear after the baby was a few weeks or several months. Common symptoms of congenital heart disease is shortness of breath and her lips look bluish. included in congenital heart disease many of them, including interference with the booth and / or gallery in the heart and blood vessel disorders of the heart. Whatever type not normal in congenital heart disease, all resulting problem blood circulation, because the heart as one of the vital organs in the body has a duty pumps and blood flow throughout the body.

Easy Healthy with Bathing every day

Easy Healthy with Bathing every day - bath is a healthy way to get easy health. this way is very good and can make our body fresher, another benefit of bathing, we can also get many benefits skin healthy from a bath every day. We are always doing various activities each day, activities that we do requires more energy and labor. From this case, we can see that the body a lot of sweat, sweat that joined or mixed with dirt will affect to health of the body.

With a bath every day, the dirt will be lost or removed, the benefits are many, skin becomes clean and healthy. A good time for a shower is when we get home from work or after doing daily activities, if too late, you can shower with warm water, but if you want to get a fresh body, you can use cold water or plain water.
Do not ever think a shower is not important, because the health of our bodies and our skin's health will always be maintained if we always do bath and body cleaning every day. So .. do not be lazy bath yups ..

Benefits of Chlorophyll from Plant

Chlorophyll is important for plants. Chorophyll is one of protein compound that can act as cell stimulator of plant. green substances from plant derived from chlorophyll. Benefits of chlorophyll from plant can make our blood to be up, therefore if you shortage of blood so a lot eat leaf chlorophyll. Besides that Chlorophyll can acts as a repellent toxins in the body.Therefore should be much to eat vegetables that contain chlorophyll leaf.

Besides chlorophyll in plant there is the other substances as pigment, like xantophyll and caroten. Chlorophyll can be found in all vegetables are colored green because it comes from the leaf chlorophyll content. And the last i want give the conclusion about this article, You have to eat lots of green vegetables because chlorophyll is only obtained from green vegetables, it due to chlorophyll can not be synthesized in the body but can only be obtained from outside. You must to eat vegetables which a lot of benefits derived from the chlorophyll as was stated earlier.

Organic Rooibos Tea

Organic rooibos tea has more anti-oxidant properties than green tea and tastes great. Known in south africa as " red bush" because of the color of it leaves, African sunrise rooibos tea is believed by indigenous peoples to have great healing powers; it has been consumed for thousand of years and has been cultivated since the 1930's. Lately it is popular and highly regarded drink throughout South Africa and Europe as well as Japan, many calling it the "miracle tea."

Rooibos tea has no caffeine, no oxalic acid, very low tannin content, and abundant amount of: Antioxidants, Phytochemicals, Potassium, Copper, Magnesium, Calcium, Iron, Zinc, Manganese and Flourine.

Antioxidants boost the immune system by eliminating "free radicals" and they also show promise in supporting a healthy heart. Japanese research shows very high antioxidant activity due to the flavonoid compounds and antioxidants found in African Sunrise Rooibos Tea.

Benefit of egg white in your face

Egg white is one of type protein. Egg white is not only functions in the body but also outside the body for example on our skin. Egg white can make your face become smoother than before because the protein contains. Of course everyone wants beautiful skin and of course depending on each people to take care of. Actually if we want our skin become smoother will be better if we use the natural material than chemical material because in chemical material contain toxic subtances and the presence of preservatives makes our skin become unhealthy.

Protein can eliminate the black spots in our face, so egg white is one of can make it true. Why i advise you to use egg white than egg yellow because in egg white is contain more protein than egg yellow. So will be better after we use egg white and then clean it with warm water. That's a little tips from me, i hope it's can give you a benefits.

Get Healthy with Natural Skin Care

Get Healthy with Natural Skin Care.
Natural Skin Care is the method to get your skin more healthy with natural way and no chemical in there. The best natural Skin care is use the natural integrated. Natural skin care is very good for your Skin Care because this is all about "Natural" and never use the chemical. Simple tips or method natural Skin Care is drinking water in your daily activities. Water is the one of the best way to get easy healthy for your Healthy Skin.
Read more complete "Get Healthy with Natural Skin Care" klik on read more... ^_^

The role of vitamins in our bodies

Vitamin acts as catalyst in the metabolism of the body. Vitamin can't synthesized in the body but we must get the vitamin from food. Vitamin that we need in the small quantity but vitamin is very importan in the body. Vitamin can divided into two kind. The first is vitamin can soluble in the water. And the second is vitamin can soluble in the lipid, such as vitamin A, D, E, and K.. For vitamin can soluble in the lipid is absorbed in the intestine with the food that content lipid and than taken to liver for stored. So the conclusion vitamin is important but for vitamin can soluble in the lipid we have to organized because for these types for vitamin can make us become fat if we consume to much, This due to lipid. But for vitamin can soluble in the water is no matter if we consume too much. But that will be better if we consume anything sufficientl, no less and no more.

Benefit of protein

Protein integrated from amino acid, Protein is important for our healthy. Protein is one of content that we need for our body. Many advantages that we can get from protein such as become stronger than disease, protein can change damaged cells with new cells which can accelerate the process of replacement. Protein can divided into two part there's vegetable protein and animal protein. Vegetable protein can we get from soybean, milk, eggs, etc. and than animal protein can we get from meat, fish, etc.

But you must remember that healthy life not just from what we eat but our environment can affect it. So we have to set the pattern for our lives to be organized and directed from now. If you don't want disapointed in the future.

How to keep your heart healty

The most people in the world have been died doe to heart attack. Many factor that can make heart attack, one of it's cholesterol. Cholesterol actually important for our body, but if we eat food with many cholesterol, it's can be kill us. metabolism every body is different depend of our environment and daily people do. Procedure cholesteol can make heart attack are suspension cholesterol in blood cyclus, therefore make the way of blood become smaller so blood pressure become higher. Cholesterol suspension with continious are dangerous f or body because that's make the peak of heart attack.

So we must keep our heart to be healty with eating the healty food, always to move our body, and also not to smoking. There's a reason why we have not to smoking because one of composition in smoke make suspension in blood cyclus, so i advise you from now always to keep our life healty.



Eat rice for healthy

For some people, eat rice is not familiar, but are you know about benefit of rice? yeah .. rice is very importan for helathy. People who live in Europe is not to like rice, but some people in asian, rice is very popular. We must to know that every activite need more carbohidrat, of course for athlet, it very important to supply their energy. Rice is very delicious, try it.. you can get rice in the mall or market.

Ok.. just for daily tips, try eat rice in the morning before you work or do your activities, you can get more energy from rice, you can eat rice with vegetable or meal, smell like good hah.. to serve the rice, this is very easy, you just need rice cooker ^_^.. remember rice is very important for your healthy.. try it if you like..